Monday, March 19, 2018


We have been living on the east coast for a little over a month now and I have to admit, it's been an adjustment. Although we like all there is to do here, my husband is doing a job completely different  than what he is used to, and I am still trying to figure out a routine for myself. I consider myself a person who likes change (7 moves in the last 12 years), but it usually takes me a couple of months to get into a groove. 

In an effort to set a routine for myself, I have been going back to my tried and true "Relocation Survival Guide", and wanted to share what has helped me adapt over the years.

1. Seek employment- I always like to look at the job prospects prior to a move. I like to network and find that utilizing social media to do so has been beneficial. There are many resources available for job seekers and sometimes looking for a full-time job is a full-time job!

2. Volunteer- Find a cause that is important to you and give back! You can add that experience to your resume and it's a great way to gain experience in a new field if that's something you are looking for. 

3. Find a church- This has always been a big priority for us. We attend church regularly and try to get involved in small groups wherever we live. It's a great way to meet new people! 

4. Join a social group- Find a group with common interests such as a book club, running group, or MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). If you are a military family, there is always the FRG (Family Readiness Group or your unit's spouse's group. You can check out this link to find social groups available in your area or search social media. 

5. Find a hobby or learn a new skill- If you have always wanted to learn more about photography or knitting, this may be the perfect time. Maybe you want to learn web design or improve your cooking skills! The sky is the limit!

6. Make your house a home- I know that some people don't really want to take the time to get completely settled into a place they are only going to be living in temporarily. To each his own! While our time on the east coast is short, I have already made our house feel cozy and inviting! 

7. Explore your new city- Look up local events and happenings. Check out the food scene or nightlife. Visit surrounding cities or attractions. Even if you live in a small town, get to know your surroundings and you might be surprised by what you find. I plan on making a bucket list for us to try to complete while we are here!

Road trip heading east!

As much as I like change, I know that it is hard to move and leave your home, your family, and your friends behind. Just remember that whether this change is permanent, or for a season, try to make the most of it. Embrace the adventure! 


  1. Those are all such good tips! I hate the act of moving, & starting over is always hard at first, but I also crave change. I moved out of state after college, moved to a city 4 hours away but in the same state 3 years later, & now it's been another 3 years & a part of me really wants to stay but a part of me really wants to go.

    1. I hear ya! The actual act of moving is stressful and it's not for everyone, but if the opportunity presents itself, it can be great! Best of luck on whatever you decide :) and thanks for the comment!
