Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday Thoughts

1. I just came home from a 6 day trip to see family and I am feeling the urge to detox! I had so much yummy food and little exercise. However, I had a great time with family and friends and totally worth the additional calories :)

2. We have a  formal military event in a couple of weeks. I have 3 dresses which I have hung up on the pantry door in an effort to steer clear of the treats! I am really looking forward to getting dolled up and seeing my man in his uniform!!!

3. I purchased these items over the weekend this concealer and this eyeliner in the color Whiskey. I have read great reviews on the concealer and I will make sure to review my thoughts on both.

4. My husband and I have some financial goals we would like to work towards in the next few years. I am in charge of setting up our budget and boy has it been eye opening!

5. I would like to dye my hair at some point in the next couple of months. Here are a few of the looks I am thinking I would like. The first one is a bit more subtle and hubby was a fan, but I love the second one. Decisions decisions!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

My Desire To Simplify

This desire came from an overwhelming feeling of having too stuff. Too much clutter. Too many things that are never used, just taking up space. Here is a list of the places and things I am planning on decluttering and reorganizing:
  • Wardrobe
  • Kitchen
  • Shoes
  • Bathroom cabinets
  • Sock/underwear drawer
  • Linen closet
  • Garage
  • Computer
I read an article recently about some of the reasons to start simplifying and I couldn't agree more!
  • Getting rid of stuff you don’t need or care about will help you have a more beautiful, peaceful home.
  • Purging loosens your grip on material possessions.
  • When you purge, material possessions lose their grip on you.
  • A simple home is prepared for the future–an easier move, a better remodel.
  • If you’re accustomed to simplicity, you can travel light.
  • With less things clamouring for attention, you enjoy the things you do keep more.
  • Less clutter means less to clean and organize.
I mentioned in a previous post that we might be relocating early next year. I want to make sure that we are not moving things from one place to the other without the need. Now I just need to convince the hubby to join me! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August Goals

As I was looking in my planner the other day, I noticed I have accomplished a few of the goals I had set for myself this year. I have never been one to set monthly goals but I am going to give it a try and see if setting smaller goals will help me to actually focus on accomplishing them. I will reassess in September and see if its something I want to continue to do, based on my results. Here's the list I came up with:

1. Read 2 books (almost halfway through one)
2. Invest in some more natural skincare products
3. Schedule a mole removal
4. Exercise 3 times a week, in addition to my daily walks with Blanco
5. Declutter the garage

One of my goals for the year was to pursue a certificate and improve my computer skills. I completed it in June and now I am praying about potentially looking for employment. The thing is, there is a potential we may be relocating next year so its something I am taking into consideration. So there you have it. Check back in September to see how I did!