Tuesday, November 28, 2017


November 20th marked 2 years since I left my last job. That is the longest I have ever gone without being employed. The reason I left that job was due to a relocation, and I figured once I got settled in our new home, I would then begin the job hunting process. However, that is not what happened and here I am 2 years later. But I feel I am right where I am suppose to be. Don't get wrong, not being employed for so long was a huge adjustment for me, initially that is. I am a person who thrives on routine and I always figured that as long as I don't have children, there is really no reason for me to stay home full-time. I like to contribute financially to our family and I like interacting with others. I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough to do to keep me busy and content, but little did I know the Lord would provide plenty for me to do. He has truly grown me these past 2 years and taken my focus from that of self preservation to one of service. I have been able to travel, spend time with family, work on a professional certificate, volunteer, serve others in different ways, make sure our household runs smoothly, attend a women's bible study and so much more. I am now more comfortable being completely financially dependent on my husband (although he would argue that my wanna be independent self sometimes emerges!). It's amazing how my perspective has changed and I have tried to focus on what the Lord has allowed me to accomplish during this time. With that being said, we are getting ready to move early next year and I would be lying if I said I wasn't researching employment opportunities in our new location. I am ready for what the Lord may have for us. Whether that be working full-time, starting a family or continuing my education. We may not know what tomorrow holds but I know that His plans are perfect.

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