Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday Thoughts

1. I just came home from a 6 day trip to see family and I am feeling the urge to detox! I had so much yummy food and little exercise. However, I had a great time with family and friends and totally worth the additional calories :)

2. We have a  formal military event in a couple of weeks. I have 3 dresses which I have hung up on the pantry door in an effort to steer clear of the treats! I am really looking forward to getting dolled up and seeing my man in his uniform!!!

3. I purchased these items over the weekend this concealer and this eyeliner in the color Whiskey. I have read great reviews on the concealer and I will make sure to review my thoughts on both.

4. My husband and I have some financial goals we would like to work towards in the next few years. I am in charge of setting up our budget and boy has it been eye opening!

5. I would like to dye my hair at some point in the next couple of months. Here are a few of the looks I am thinking I would like. The first one is a bit more subtle and hubby was a fan, but I love the second one. Decisions decisions!

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