Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Favorites

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Usually, I would look forward to Friday all week long, but being that I am currently unemployed, everyday sorta seems like a Friday to me and I am embracing it :)

Here are a few of the things that I am loving lately!

I am absolutely loving the weather we have had the past few days! The sun came out 4 days in a row! Woohoo! Hubby and I have taken advantage of the warmer weather with walks at a nearby beach.  

This past December, I mentioned to my mother in law how dry my hands were. I am one of those people that tends to wash my hands ALOT and the end result is dry and rough patches around my knuckle area. She suggested I use CeraVe lotion (recommended by her dermatologist) and ya'll, my hands feel silky smooth! Thanks Lee!

I joined a gym recently and I am trying to be consistent with my workouts. I have a summer trip to Hawaii that I am using as my motivation! This gym offers a variety of classes and one of them is Bodypump. I went to a class for the first time in about 3 years and it kicked my bootay! It was painful but I am hoping that I will regain my strength over time. Consistency is key right?!?

I have been trying to cook more since we had been eating out quite a bit during our move. One of my go to recipe sites is Skinnytaste. She lightens up some of your everyday dishes. I recently made the baked chicken parmesan and we were please with how it turned out.

We are hosting a couple of dinners to catch up with some friends over the weekend but other than that we have a few things to work on around the house and hopefully a little relaxation as well. I am also hoping to finally get some good pics of our home to post a home tour :)

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